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Now, You Can...
Your Biggest Dream

Ask Yourself, Are You...

  • stuck in a going-no-where Job?

  • considering becoming an Entrepreneur?

  • starting a new business & not sure what to do next?

  • working in your business, not on your business?

  • running your own business with no personal income?

  • running a non-profitable business?

  • short on marketing budget to reach new customers?

  • struggling, trying to keep your business alive?

If any of the above fits you then it's time to make some changes... The right kind of business changes. It's really not Ito late! It just may be your time.

It's The Greatest Time In History!
 Are You Onboard?
New Business Startups Are...

Trending...Across America Now!

. New Entrepreneurs Seeking Business opportunities!

. New Business Startups


. Small Business Productivity

& Revenue On The Rise

...It's The Perfect Storm

So...What Are You Waiting For?

America needs its master entrepreneurs to be more productive !

Take The Leap and Begin Building Your Dreams To Levels No Man Has
Ever Gone!

It's Your Time To Launch Your Dream 

...Into The 21st Century & Begin To Enjoy Unimaginable Success!

But Don't Do It Alone...

We Want to Invest In Your Future!


...and we are prepared to provide everything you need to be successful!

That's Right... Everything You Need for Long Term Success
Entrepreneurs, New Startups, Existing & Home Based Business Owners...

It's your right to be in business with no artificial barriers imposed!

Here's Our New Rule We Have Adapted...

…if you have an idea, you have a fundamental right to start a business to make it a reality. You should not need a formal degree. You should not need consultants to navigate the process. It shouldn't matter what your race is, what your gender is, or where you live. You should be able to do it quickly, inexpensively, without confusion, and without artificial barriers imposed by others. The Founder of the Kauffman Foundation!


We At TraDigicom360 (TD360) embrace the Kauffman Entrepreneurship Beliefs and we are Committed

to fully Supporting Your Personal Entrepreneurship initiative too ...

We believe as the Kaufman Foundation believes...that everyone has a fundamental right to turn an idea into an economic reality, regardless of who you are or where you’re from, with zero barriers in the way. We’re calling on every entrepreneur – and everyone who fights for entrepreneurs – to help clear the path for the makers, the doers, the dreamers. 

Victor Hwang Vice President of Entrepreneurship at the Kauffman Foundation

So, Welcome to The...


"Small Business + A Single Platform x TraDigital Strategies= The New BIG Business"

For Big Business Thinking, Small TraDigital Business Owners

The New



Now, you can Become Highly Educated, Trained and Certified In The Integration and Application of Tradition & Digital Technology. The revolutionary Pathway to Success for all small business owners, everywhere!

The TraDigital Entrepreneur way is a powerful new business development strategy that brings all the great power of traditional means of doing business, that we are all familiar with using for the past 100 years, and coupling it with a very innovative and proprietary marketing process. We call it the long anticipated 3.0 upgrade to the current way every aspect of on and offline business is done today. It's truly already in demand, and everyone already knows they desperately need it, but it truly has not existed, until now!


We Have Been  missing the Platform

Oh,there are bits and pieces of the platform scattered about the internet, but what is missing is the a single platform. Nothing is going to change until all the pieces come together in a very innovative yet simple way so that everyone will be able to utilize it without any barriers. The platform needs to be a single online location that offers the ability to hosts every business in a single community. It also needs to be a platform that provides access to everything else in the community, entertainment, movies, restaurants, travel and tourism, news and sports, schools and government, Etc. At the same time, in needs to be consumer accessible via every electronic device, ie: mobile phones, laptops, tablets and desktop computers.


The good (no, the great) news...

Globalocal Solutions (BTS) has built just such a platform that we call Trend It is a powerful, innovative and proprietary platform, that makes it truly possible for any small business (brick & Mortar or home based) to become a successful competitor with the big box stores as well as the online shopping stores, such as Amazon, eBay, Everbuying, AliExpress, Overstock, WalMart, Etsy, just to mention a few.



The new GLS Marketing platform dramatically changes the environment for success in the small business world. We believe it's time for small local businesses to take their rightful place as the biggest business in town. It's time for Consumers to finally shop, find and access, relevant products and services that can be purchased in their communities. Small business owners will be able to participate in the most competitive nature they have never before experienced. Why, because Small business is truly already, the Biggest business in any community... when they participate in the right platform.


Our GLS platform is driven by power in the numbers of local businesses working together, advertising together, promoting together, as a community. Our platform promotes the power of one place for the local consumers to go and conveniently find everything the community has to offer both online and offline. Even more conveniently than going to Amazon or other online shopping centers. And we are local...keeping the consumers spending local, which in turn, bolsters the economy, creates new jobs, and improves the quality of life in the community.

In order for the platform to be effective, everyone must be there. What makes current off-line communities successful? The diversity and access that community has to offer for all things! That's the traditional aspect that is not going away. So, how do we make the digital process work? By providing the same diversity and access to all things community online via, computers, Smartphones, and social media platforms.


What is our Secret Sauce?  Our secret ingredient that makes this all work together is even more powerful than our TraDigital platform. It really takes a unique and innovative collaboration of all local media resources to make it all work to it's most powerful degree. ? Through the power of the new strategic TraDigital single platform that allows the overlap of all things community both on and offline. How do we incorporate it into the local marketing strategy? By training the new and retraining the current Entrepreneurs to do things the "Tradigital Entrepreneur Way" and; by offering a powerful turnkey, automated marketing platform, that any small business can immediately incorporate into their promotional campaigns with Zero Barriers to success!


The Globalocal Solutions Team wants to be your Team! We have developed a fully functioning, turnkey marketing strategy and we are now making it available to the small business in over 40 communities in Utah. We are pre-launching in the month of Sept, 2020 with a full grand opening and official launch on the first of Oct, 2020. Click Here... to see launch details.


GLS is currently  introducing an elite entrepreneur training Academy called "The Million Masters Business Academy". Its sole purpose is for training the new TraDigital Entrepreneur and retraining the existing business owners and managers in the long term application of TraDigital marketing strategies and tools.. Our extended goals are to provide a pathway of "Zero-Barriers" to complete success, to all small business owners.


Upon completion of our training Academy, you will receive a certificate of completion that classifies you as a Certified "TraDigital Master Entrepreneur". During the academy training cycle, you will have completed the design and implementation of your very own comprehensive online presence that consists of a completely integrated multimedia marketing system. You will be qualified to participate in priority positioning in every appropriate category fit for your business on our GLS platform in your specified community, for the following 12 months after graduation. (See participation agreement for details)


In A Nut will come out of the Academy as a highly trained TraDigital Entrepreneur, You'll have a fully developed Business Plan, a Business Support Team, a Community Marketing plan positioned and functioning in your community, and an Elite Executive Member of all things connected to our Platform, as well as a Customer Rewards, Acquisition & Retention system in place. Not to mention the ongoing Mentoring, Coaching, Training and Support team available 24-7. (Zero-Barriers to success) 


Become a certified GLS Affiliate

You will also be qualified to become a  "Community manager Affiliate" if you so choose! BTS offers an exclusive "Community Manager Affiliate" (CMA) position available for each of our communities. This position provides an opportunity to earn a substantial income generated from our fee-based marketing, advertising and business participation tools offered through our community platform. (Click to learn more)


We Have Removed All Barriers and provided The pathway for all... Makers, Doers & Dreamers! 

If You Really Want To Succeed...

...Get Everything You Need To Do It Right! 

Right Here...Right Now!

There are Four (4) Choices We Offer To Engage Now...
In The Most Powerful, All Inclusive Business Success System!

#4. The Five(5) Step - 60 Day Mega-Preneur Express!

It's exactly what it sounds like it is. When you qualify for this course we will take you from a mear "wanta-be" entrepreneur, through our powerful 5 step program, to a full blown, highly trained and operating, business owner, with customers and revenue. All in a 60 day start to Revenue. This is a $10,000 program that will be offered to the first 10 qualifying entrepreneurs at an unbelievable discount. You just won't believe what is included in this package, so if you are truly interested in becoming a successful entrepreneur, click here and see for yourself. And then be one of the first to apply!


Are you thinking about starting a business and not sure where to start?  Let us help you do it better than it has ever been done before. We can help you with all the tools and training you will ever need and provide the greatest support any new entrepreneur has ever had.

Here you will find everything you need to build, develop, manage, operateate and market your business. Not only the knowledge and tools but an amazing platform that will keep you in front of your local or national audience every day, as well as provide you with all of the data we consistently track for all your analytical needs.

#2. New Business


#3. Current Business


Now, you can grow your existing business easier and more affordable than ever before with our amazing marketing platform targiting local audiences with a national presence.  Local is our strength with the most powerful lead generation tools designed to meet your specific needs.

After Completion of Our Business Academy,

you will not only be a highly trained entrepreneur, You'll have a fully developed Business Plan, a Business Support Team, Community Market Position, and a Marketing Platform, as well as a Customer Acquisition & Retention system in place. 

We truly provide you with everything you need to compete in the 21st Century...Starting with helping you become a great entrepreneur, building your business the right structure, launching it into the right audience, promoting the right message and supporting you with the right tools needed to maintain a consistent presence to your most relevant customer.


Once you're setup you can just kick back and begin to more easily manage the success of your business, an begin to live a more balanced lifestyle. 

You're then on "Autopilot"!
You'll truly feel like you are on...

Don't put it off any longer!

Let us take some of the load off today! 

Want to Get The Whole Scoop...Live!

Join us at the next live seminar...

(Click Here...To Reserve Your Seat Now)



Watch Our Intro Video

Of course, we already know you are cause you wouldn't have qualified otherwise. So pick your course, make the small financial investment  required, and let's get you on the path to the greatest success you can imagine. You will be immediately enrolled in our proprietary "Million Masters Academy" and well on your way to a successful lifestyle of a successful independent business person.

(Click Here...To Reserve Your Seat Now)
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