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David Bornstein, author of How to Change the World:

The job of a social entrepreneur is to recognize when a part of society is stuck and to provide new ways to get it unstuck.

He or she finds what is not working and solves the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution and persuading entire societies to take new leaps.

Topic/ Speaker Schedule



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Social Branding- Doing It Right!

Connect - Adapt - Engage & Monetize

  • What are the networks that will work best for Branding My Business?
  • How can I Implement and manage a variety of resources and still run my business?  
  • What is a social media game plan?
  • How do I grow the right social media strategy that will have the greatest impact on my customer base.
  • What training and support do I need to help me make my business function at the highest level.
  • Is all Social media a "one size fits all" package?
  • Can Traditional Business be balanced with digital social media applications?
  • How do I learn what the right strategies for my personal business are?

Today it is vitally important to know what it really takes to be successful in Business...

Our Day Long Training package is just the thing for all who are ready to grow a successful and powerful balance of Tradition and social strategy applications. Experience a true balance that will forever enhance the Traditional business model.

Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of

New Ideas.

Welcome To ...
"The Art Of Social Branding"

Hands-on Work Shop!​ (See Class schedule below!)

Unlike traditional entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs primarily seek to generate "social value"
rather than profits.

And unlike the majority of non-profit organizations, their work is targeted not only towards immediate, small-scale effects, but sweeping, long-term change.

"Social entrepreneurs identify resources where people only see problems. They view the villagers as the solution, not the passive beneficiary. They begin with the assumption of competence and unleash resources in the communities they're serving."

Identifying and solving small business in a local community is the scale of social problems we at Main Street Innovation center are committed to with a vision and determination to persist in the face of daunting odds.

Ultimately, as social entrepreneurs we are driven to produce measurable impact by opening up new pathways for the marginalized and disadvantaged, and unlocking local small business communities to a full potential of effecting social change.

How does social Branding identify and solve social marketing problems?

Just as business entrepreneurs create and transform whole industries. Social entrepreneurs seize opportunities others miss in order to improve systems, invent and disseminate new approaches and advance sustainable solutions that create social value.

Class & work shop schedule coming soon!

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