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Our academy is for Start-up entrepreneurs, Home Based Business owners, as well as brick & mortar business owners in their local communities all across America. To be a successful Entrepreneur it requires the right kind of individual that possesses an attitude of personal commitment and dedication as well as a willingness to build around correct and proven principles. We teach and refresh you with all of the latest techniques and resources you need to be successful in today and tomorrow's Space.

About US...


MMBA is an education and business development training center for business owners across America to come and learn about and utilize a variety of the latest technologies, software and viral marketing tools needed at all levels of Business. This includes Home Based entrepreneurs, Brick & Mortar business owners, and MLM Distributors.


We provide one of the most in-depth Entrepreneur Training networks ... that allow exclusive and qualified members a very affordable and thorough start to revenue business development workshop. Through the use of live seminars held in our active communities, live and recorded webinars and online classes and workshops we can reach participating entrepreneurs just about anywhere they are available to learn.


They will come and learn about automated posting and social network management technologies, automated lead generation tools, business development and marketing strategies, and much more. All for the purpose of providing and sharing free and low cost services to assist our members. Our goal is to assist the millions of entrepreneurs,  to build their businesses, promote their products and services, generate business leads and contacts, connect with new business relationships, find new partnerships and most of all help them close more sales in order for them to be more successful and make more money.


So many Small business owners and entrepreneurs are bootstrapping their business today and we want to help provide the best and most high-quality resources by helping them network with each other and share their knowledge and experience. Our Team of AMMBA Market Masters goal is to provide the tools, training, and support to get all of our AMM Entrepreneurs to a minimum of $10,000 per month in personal residual income earnings in their first year of membership.


licensed community Directors who assist our participating entrepreneurs reach their dreams and destination a day at a time.the-long-time standing,  excessive, failure rate of startup business owners. Our innovative traditional face to face coaching training seminars, webinars and workshops will be offered in an aggressive daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly schedule by our AMMBAOur overall objective is to break

New Business


Current Business


Are you thinking about starting a business and not sure where to start?  Let us help you do it better than it has ever been done before. We can help you with all the tools and training you will ever need and provide the greatest support any new entrepreneur has ever had.  

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Here you will find everything you need to build, develop, manage, operateate and market your business. Not only the knowledge and tools but an amazing platform that will keep you in front of your local or national audience every day, as well as provide you with all of the data we consistently track for all your analytical needs.

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Now, you can grow your existing business easier and more affordable than ever before with our amazing marketing platform targiting local audiences with a national presence.  Local is our strength with the most powerful lead generation tools designed to meet your specific needs.

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To be successful in today's new marketplace it requires more than commitment, willingness, and attitude. It demands the application, development and consistent implementation of the most current technologies and resources available. To be a Premier  Entrepreneur, It requires being up-to-date and even out in front of the current trends in your specific Space.


What Is Your Space? Once you have decided to be an entrepreneur it is time to decide where your strengths and weakness are. This will help determine the most productive space (industry) you will fill. Probably the number one most important choice you will ever make. This space needs to be very specific to who you are and what you can do. This is the "Why" you are becoming an entrepreneur


Who's Your Team. Iit requires a strong dedicated team of uniquely skilled professionals to manage and direct the daily affairs of your chosen industy

For Ambitous People Looking For Change!

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