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The communication barriers separating a company from its community partners and customers are rapidly eroding, creating a demand for a game-changing platform that transforms how business gets done at the community level.


Biz Trend Solutions,(BTS) an LLC company,  has secured the exclusive marketing rights to one of the most innovative internet Marketing platforms on the Internet. A platform that provides a new and innovative gateway to local community social-commerce specifically targeting the small business environment.  


Typically most local web community networks are only advertising entities, but now for the very first time at the local community level, local consumer will be able to find local businesses through this new and innovative Trend City Buzz social-commerce network", where business owners and consumer can share their business products, services and experience with others in the community.  

BTS is introducing a variety of powerful online marketing tools and strategies to the local brick and mortar business owners as well as home based business owners, network marketers, independent distributors, and a variety of other entrepreneurs.


Biz Trend Solutions objective is to build a solid local social small business marketing network utilizing the power of "Multi-channel" Marketing, a strategy that makes it possible for local business owners to pin point, track and connect with relevant online customer through a variety of channels in their local community. This allows the local businesses to direct the right message to the right consumer at the right time, over the right devices! 


The BTS marketing strategy powered by our innovative "TraDigital"  marketing strategies makes it very easy for the local business owners to invite specific customers to participate not only in great savings and services but in value and brand when searching, shopping and purchasing locally. 




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