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Welcome to our...

"Million Masters" 



Where You Will Become The...

Master Entre-Premier

In Your Unique & Chosen Space

Unlike any other business academy, we go way beyond the educational parameters to provide a full turnkey B2B and B2C platform of TraDigital marketing tools and services that support everything we teach.


We offer a variety of all the latest technologies, software and viral marketing tools needed for a full-scale marketing, promoting and advertising system, essential to your long term success!

Introduction to the BTS Training Camp For...


The TraDigital Entrepreneur way is a powerful new business development strategy that is simply an over haul or up-grade to the current way every aspect of business is done today. It's truly already happening but the entire system is missing a couple of the main required ingredient for it to be successful.


It is missing the Platform!

Now, having said that, there are bits and pieces of the platform scattered about, but what is truly missing is an order to the platform. Nothing is going to change until all the pieces come together in a very innovative yet simple way so that everyone will be able to utilize it without any barriers. Entrepreneurs are going to need to be educated in the new methods and strategies of digital marketing right out the gate, while current entrepreneurs and business managers are going to need to be re-tooled. 


The good (no, the great) news!

BizTrend Solutions, has built a powerful, innovative and proprietary platform designed to meet all of the needs of today's digital Entrepreneur. And, we are currently launching a comprehensive training system for the education, mentoring , coaching and support for all new entrepreneurs, startup business owners and current business owners and managers.

Our new platform is going to dramatically change the environment for success in the small business world.Our entrepreneur training will teach the small business owners how to compete at the highest level, turning their small businesses into the biggest business in any community.


We will provide our TraDigital entrepreneur's with the platform and tools needed to access, obtain and keep a loyal local customer base. We will provide them with the tools and expertise to target market in ways most businesses have never experienced, through a variety of packaged and affordable turnkey services, providing the local consumers the access to the most relevant products and services to be purchases in their communities online or offline. The true ability to shop local!


Through the power of our single community platform the small business owners will learn to market, promote and deliver to the needs of their local consumers in the most competitive fashion they have never before experienced. Why, when Small  businesses come together in one platform there is nothing that can compete. They truly become the Biggest business in any community. A platform of unity brings the power in numbers while at the same time offers and provides Zero-Barriers to the smallest players.

The power of all businesses, services, products and everything else community in the same platform, is truly the secret to local business success.  For years, businesses coming together in a community offline is what has made provided the economic strength to create a way of life for the people who lived and worked there. The diversity and access to all things! That's the traditional aspect that is not going away.


Trend City Buzz is how  we make the digital process work in the same way...only we have added the digital capacity, providing the same diversity and access to all things community on line. We teach train and provide all that it takes to make it all work together? We call it TraDigital and we overlap all things community.​ It's the new "Tradigital Entrepreneur Way".


The BizTrend Solutions Team wants to be your Team! We have developed a fully functioning, turnkey entrepreneur training Academy we have named "The Million Masters Academy". It's sole purpose is for training the new TraDigital Entrepreneur and retraining the existing business owners and managers. Our extended goals are to open the pathway to "Zero-Barriers" to complete success to all.


Upon completion of our training Academy, you will receive a certificate of completion that classifies you as a Certified "TraDigital Master Entrepreneur". That means that you are then qualified to position and manage and market your business in our Exclusive Premier Member Only segment of our powerful and innovative, one of a kind TraDigital marketing platform, TrendCity.Buzz. (Click to learn more)


If You Are Ready To Become a "Master Entre-Premier...

BizTrend Solutions (BTS) is the only team

you will ever need. 

What Makes Great Entrepreneurs? 

The most powerful and successful entrepreneurs are the ones who incorporate family and community into their entire business structure. Your purpose should never be the money. That will come if you do everything right. Your objective should always be for the betterment of your family lifestyle while providing a worthwhile service or product that will enhance the lives of the citizens in your community.
Please take minute and watch this short video from the Kauffman Group that sheds a litle light on the matter!
What to expect...
You'll find workshops, Seminars, Boot Camps & Expo's! Every Week Is about Empowering Our "Entrepreneurs" with the Education and Technologies, Tools and Training for Greater Success in their new journey in life. 

Licensee's Introductory training outline

e are excited to offer one of the most innovative education, wtraining and coaching programs to all of our Licensee Entrepreneurs throughout Utah and surrounding states.


We are bringing together some of the most experienced and successful entrepreneurs in the area to teach, educate, mentor and coach all of our licensees and local business owners who are serious about starting, building and/or growing their business.


In these 4 to 8 hour Entrepreneur Intensives you will participate in a more clear understanding about what it is that truly drives you, as well as exploring your strengths and weeknesses. It is our philosophy that a person who truly knows themself can be so much more efficiant in connecting, sharing and networking with others.    

The following is an outline for the First Entrepreneurship Training week that is required for all of our new Community and Region Managers as well as the Community Associate licensees. All are required to complete this course before they can function as a license inn their chosen communities. 

See Class schedule
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