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The Peoples


Providing The Everyday People With A Greater Knowledge & Access To Our True Rights & Privileges!

Now You Can
Get To Know Your
& Your Heritage

Let Knowledge Define Our Diversity and Let Unity
Be Our Strength!

Do You Really Know Your  Rights & Privilege's That Are Protected By The Constitution? 

Well don't feel bad, some people have an idea but most don't.  A few citizens actually do know as they have had a direct reason to take time to become familiar, most likely due to their rights being challenged, stepped on or taken away, which is happening way too often these days.We don't want that to happen to you, and that's what this learning center is all about. We have packed it with all kinds of powerful information and resources that will allow any citizen of this great country, who is willing to invest a little time and effort, to discover the facts and truths more easily and conveniently.  
Below you will find the beginning of...
An Amazing Learning Journey
One designed to remind us of the many historical events which were instrumental in the building of America, all the
way through to present times.
This history and Study of our country will shed some light on what "We The People," are currently challenged with in our day.

Do You Know Your Freedoms...
That Are Protected By The Constitution?

In the following movie, a captivating statesman from America’s past takes a modern-day family on a series of wild adventures. With a spicy mix of humor, magic and logic, he opens their eyes to the origins and importance of the U.S. Constitution, the degree to which it is under attack today and what can and must be done to save it. The powerful message of understanding constitutional rights and the limits of potential new laws make this educational dramatic comedy film a must-see for all American families. Suggested age range: 10 and up including adults.

Watch Trailer:

"'In Search Of Liberty' takes viewers on a journey as they rediscover or learn the importance of the most important document to the United States that embodies our values." Elise Cooper, American Thinker

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Purchased for our 11 and 8 year old grandchildren the both enjoyed it so much they asked to watch again the next evening and still ask to see it on occasion.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "The whole family truly enjoyed this movie and led us in to deep diving to read the Constitution for ourselves." Lauren H.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Absolutely a must see movie. Never had a better explanation of the Constitution in a fun, exciting way." Dave R.


NOTE: Streaming only, not downloadable.

For more information on the movie, go to:


For the Digital HD Education Edition, visit:

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